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Why do SSD claims get denied (and what can you do about it)?

On Behalf of | Jun 5, 2023 | Social Security Disability | 0 comments

It can be frustrating and financially devastating to wait months for your Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits application to be processed, only to receive a denial in the mail. That can put you on the long trek through the appeals process – which can easily take more than a year.

It’s far better to avoid an initial denial whenever you can, and understanding more about why so many unnecessary denials happen and how to prevent them can help. Three of the most common (but preventable) reasons for SSD denials include:

Not getting the doctor on board with the claim or failing to provide medical records

A lot of people find it difficult to talk to their physicians about filing for disability, but it’s a necessary conversation to have if you want to make sure your doctor supports your decision. Sometimes, even with a physician’s support, the office staff isn’t great about responding to requests for your medical information. You can circumvent a lot of problems by getting copies of your most important medical records and submitting them yourself with your claim.

Not obtaining medical care or not following the doctor’s recommendations

If there’s anything that can tank your SSD claim faster than missing medical records or a lack of support from your medical providers, it’s simply not obtaining proper medical care in the first place – or refusing to follow your doctor’s directions. Your SSD claim generally won’t be approved unless you can show that you’ve taken reasonable steps to manage your condition or get better. There are some legitimate excuses for this that the Social Security Administration will allow. If you haven’t been able to afford certain treatments or you have a sincerely held religious belief that prohibits them, for example, make sure that you include an explanation with your claim.

Not responding in a timely manner to new requests for information

Finally, you have to stay in touch with and be responsive to the Social Security Administration (SSA) while your claim is pending. SSA may ask you for more information about your work history, your education or your daily activities and limitations. You may also be asked for new medical release forms or sent to a consultative exam so that SSA can get more information. Failing to respond to SSA’s communications within the limited time you are given means that a decision will be made with what’s already in your file – and that is seldom to a claimant’s advantage.

If you’re struggling to get your Social Security Disability claim approved, there is legal help available. You can seek legal guidance for more information.

