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Did diabetes rob you of your ability to work?

On Behalf of | Nov 13, 2017 | blog, Firm News | 0 comments

Michigan readers know that diabetes is a serious medical condition, and people who have this condition could have difficulties with everyday activities, including their jobs. If you have diabetes and the progression of this illness has left you where you are no longer able to continue to hold gainful employment, you could have a rightful claim to disability benefits.

For some, diabetes is manageable with medication and regular health monitoring. However, this may not be the case for you. It is very possible that your case of diabetes could be more than an inconvenience; it could threaten your very way of life. If you believe that you may qualify for disability benefits through the Social Security Administration, you do not have to walk through the claims process alone.

The long-term effects of this medical condition 

Every case of diabetes is different, but it is possible that your case could become worse over time, even leading to other types of health complications. People with diabetes are at risk for the following:

  • Glaucoma, retinopathy, blurred vision and other eye-related problems
  • Swelling in the feet or hands, weight gain from edema or other various kidney-related problems
  • Shortness of breath, dizziness, difficulty with cognitive function and other heart or brain-related conditions
  • Poor blood flow in the feet
  • Neuropathy
  • Nerve problems

When a health condition begins to affect your ability to work, you likely have serious concerns about your financial stability and your ability to care for your Michigan family.

Diabetes is a qualifying medical condition, and you could have a rightful claim to benefits because of your illness. However, it is not always easy to get this support, and you may find that various setbacks and complications stand between you and your objective. This is frustrating for you and your family, but there could be other options available to you.

Your rights when disabled by diabetes

Diabetes may have changed your life and caused you to be unable to work, but that does not mean that you do not have the right to certain financial benefits. Filing for disability benefits is not always an easy process, and you may find that you claim comes back denied.

Whether you are completing the initial application or you are dealing with appeals or reconsiderations of your claim, you do not have to navigate the complex process alone. You may find it beneficial to seek support and guidance from the very beginning, starting by seeking a complete evaluation of your case.

