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Social Security Disability offers a “ticket to work”

On Behalf of | Mar 19, 2015 | Firm News, Social Security Administration News | 0 comments

Illinois residents who have suffered a disabling injury or illness now has been given the liberty of creating a Social Security Disability account online, which will enable the disabled claimant to be vigilant in keeping track of SSD claims. Online access allows a resident to easily and regularly monitor his or her account verification, eligibility, disability claims and payments.

The Social Security Administration also helps a claimant find new employment, if he or she so desires. In many cases, the disabled claimant is unable to continue with his or her previous employment due to the injury or disability suffered. Authorities have now established a program, known as the “ticket to work,” that may help a disabled claimant gain new employment.

With no cost to claimants, the ticket to work program helps claimants receive training for a new vocation, rehabilitation as well as recommendations and other support regarding employment. Application for the program may also be made using online services made available by the state’s Social Security Disability department. Many disability claimants also find it beneficial to contact their lawyers in order to understand the various options available due to their disability.

The program also establishes a trial work period which ensures that the disability claimant obtains full benefits while working for a period of nine months, as long as the claimant remains regular and reports this work to the department. According to the administration, a trial month is one in which a worker earns more than $780 per month.

The trial period may be extended if the claimant is able to prove that he or she is earning less than the prescribed $1,090. The criteria for substantial income for blind workers are set at the higher limit of $1,890. Even if the claimant stops receiving Social Security benefits due to work resumption, he or she has the right to claim Social Security Disability benefits within five years, in case the income falls below the prescribed limit.

Source: SSA.gov, “Working while disabled – how we can help,” accessed March 12, 2015

