Helping You Understand Your Family Law Options
If you are going through a divorce or child custody dispute, you might have questions about what you need to do in order to have the best chance of obtaining your desired results. At the law offices of Robert D. Paulbeck, Attorney at Law we hear from many clients who want to know what options are available to them in their specific case. We wanted to take a few moments to address some of those questions, and what we can do to help.
What is going to happen to my property in my divorce?
This is a big question that we get from many clients and the answer really is going to depend on specific circumstances. When we meet to discuss your divorce, we can sit down and look at the big picture. We can see what you and your spouse have built together during your marriage, and the various options we have when considering how to divide this property in the divorce.
We will look at any retirement accounts you have, other assets including your marital home, as well as any debts belonging to the marriage. We will sit down with you and determine your specific goals, and then develop a strategy that helps us protect what is most important to you.
I want to make sure I get to spend time with my kids after the divorce. What do I need to do?
Child custody is always a huge issue when couples have children together. Each parent will want to be an essential part of their child’s life, and typically courts in Michigan will favor parenting time arrangements that make space for both parents.
The key to an effective parenting time plan is communication that keeps the focus on the child’s best interests. You and your co-parent will have certain concerns that you will want to address, and the agreement you create can make sure to effectively resolve those issues. By working together, you can find something that works for everyone involved.
However, there are some cases where parents simply cannot meet in the middle. Neither side is willing to give. Here, it is especially important to have an attorney to protect your interests at trial. Having someone who knows how the courts analyze these cases is extremely important, because it can help you get the type of custody plan you are seeking.
What advantage is there to working with an attorney in a divorce or custody case?
We often meet with people who have tried to handle their case without the assistance of an experienced attorney. They come to us because they need help fixing previous mistakes that they have made. Unfortunately, in many circumstances, there is very little we can do to undo some of the damage they have caused.
When you have an attorney working with you from the very beginning, you have someone who knows how the courts in Michigan handle these cases. You get a full breakdown of your case. You get to know your case’s strengths and weaknesses, and have someone who will take on the fight for you going forward.
Don’t I only need a lawyer if I plan on taking my case to court?
No. You should always have an attorney at least review your situation before you make any final decisions. Even if you and your spouse or co-parent agree to pretty much every single item that needs to be decided, you have to make sure you are protecting yourself. Your attorney can offer you critical advice and guidance to limit any potential problems that may develop as a result of the agreements you make.
Free Consultations Available
We realize that this probably doesn’t answer the specific questions you have about your case. We invite you to call our office in Trenton at 734-800-2699 or send us an email to arrange your consultation with a lawyer who has three decades of family law experience.